
What is pink ocean?

Imagine this: you’re basking under the glow of the sun, toes dipped in an endless ocean, breathing in the freedom of the salty breeze. Pretty nice, no?

Ok, now throw in a splash of pink – the universal chill pill – and top it off with a nice refreshing cocktail (don’t forget the tiny umbrella!) 

And boom, you are in the Pink Ocean. The perfect mix of serenity and freshness, and your one-stop solution to dodging those entrepreneurial curveballs. 

Got a cluttered mind? I’ll tidy it up. Lost in strategy land? We’ve got the map. Motivation taking a nap? I am that caffeine fix you need.

So, ditch your floaties, take a leap into the Pink Ocean, because here, I don’t just ride the waves, we make ’em!

Who am I?

Mariana here, the brain, brawn and beauty behind Pink Ocean VS. 

My bread and butter? Organising, optimising, and solving problems for small business owners. I’m absolutely hooked on seeing my clients thrive! 

Now, don’t think I’m only about work. I care deeply about you, the person behind the business. I’m here to ensure you’re not just crossing off tasks, but also taking care of yourself. Balance is key, after all.

Are you left with a mess of ideas after an intense brainstorming dumping sesh? No worries! I have a knack for turning that chaos into a workable plan. I’ve been told I have a unique talent for understanding impulsive, Ferrari-brains, and helping cut through the noise.  And I’m pretty darn good at keeping things on track.

So, if you’re looking for someone to help streamline your business, automate a couple of processes, provide task and project management, I am your gal.

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