If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur…

Do  you have tendency to think outside the box? Even better!

I don’t just understand your unique challenges – I embrace them, work with them, and most importantly, help you leverage them to your advantage.

Forget drowning in a sea of disorganised inboxes and convoluted workflows. 

How would it feel to…

Have a decluttered inbox so refreshing, you might mistake it for a day at the beach.

Workflows so streamlined they work seamlessly. 

And those elusive SOPs? We’ll transform them to your roadmap to success.

“All work no play make Maz something something”


That is definitely not my philosophy. 

As overused as it is, I believe balance is the key – between work and play. I’m here to help you achieve that balance, with a business that runs smoothly and a life that feels fulfilling. 

Enough about me, you’re here to see what I can do for you. 

Something Short and Sweet

I have created a whole range services to aid you in your digital decluttering journey. From tidying up you Canva, to cleaning your Google Drive and everything in between. 
Let me come in and organise the chaos

Timeline: min 2 months

Investment: min $1000+GST AUD 

Ongoing support?

Searching for a dependable, long-term partner to keep your business running smoothly? 

Need someone who understands your unique needs, while providing a neuroaffirming partnership?  


This is perfect for long term love: min 4 months 

Investment: min $780+GST AUD/month 

Moxie Set Up

Moxie is the dark horse that is coming up within the CRM systems!
What does this mean?
Well, I’ll set it up for you 

What does this include? 

– Initial setup of Moxie tailored to your needs.
– Integrations
– Templates and Forms
– Automation and Workflows
– Client Portal Set up 
– SOPs and Training 

Timeline: min 6 weeks

Investment: min $2500+GST AUD 


Want to pick my brain?

Do you want to have a chat, get a look inside my brain and get some actionable steps on how to move forward with whatever issue you have? 

Well you can pick my brain! 

You get: 
– Initial questionnaire to see what’s what.

– 1 hour of my unfiltered self on an online call 

– Records and transcript of our call 

– Actionable tasks for you to do 

Investment: $180+GST AUD



That’s perfectly fine – taking the plunge into a partnership like this can be a big decision, especially when your business is like your baby. I understand how personal it is.


If you’re feeling a little hesitant, let’s start with a no-pressure, complimentary discovery call! We can chat about your unique needs, your business struggles, and your hopes for the future. It’s a great way for you to gauge if we’re a good fit and to understand exactly how my services could benefit your business.


Remember, this is all about you – your needs, your goals, your business. I’m here to help you succeed, on your terms. 


I’m here when you’re ready. So take your time, mull it over, and when you feel the time is right, let’s connect and start the conversation on how we can navigate your entrepreneurial journey together.


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